New Info (as of 5/15/2024)
See the SAMPLE LETTER below, and ask your CDD personnel to provide the information requested.
Current Aquatic Complex Clubhouse
Clubhouse we'll get when we pay the assessments for the $30,000,000+ (thirty million plus) bond
New Conceptual design - same footprint, just more crowded, more impervious serfaces, and no seating
New aquatic complex design (as of 5/15/2024 - the design changes monthly)
more parking (in back)
amenities flush with Davis Pond Blvd and Durbin Creek Road (peaceful ain't it?)
fewer trees and more pavement
adult pool replaces the baby pool (at about the same size)
Summary of the Town Hall Meeting 5/15/2024
The public meeting centered on the variance request to the County Eagle Protection Statute. The audience was told to keep their comments and questions focused on that topic. Well... here's the documentation and meeting summary.
Public Notice. The public was invited, but was the notice disseminated to the public, or to just CDD members?
Here is the presentation we watched at the Variance Meeting. What's missing???? The text of the variance wording... Public domain, so its claimed but it's nowhere to be found. It has already been sent to the BCC Commissioners for their review. Why can't we see the text for ourselves??
Our CDD is requesting approval of a variance (yet to be disclosed) of County Statute - County Statute 4.01.10 Habitat Management for the Bald Eagle, This was to be the essence of the meeting, yet neither the substance of the Statute nor the wording of the variance request was presented.
Also, after the meeting, the fact that there had been a cost comparison (repair vs replace) and it turned out that it was CHEAPER to replace the facilities than it was to repair the 20+year old amenities that have been regularly maintained. Wouldn't that be an interesting document to review? Too bad it's not published...
The next Board of Supervisors meeting is May 30. Click Here.
Request your CDD officials publish the text of the variance wording and the cost comparison indicating that a $30,000,000+ bond was the cheaper solution. Ask them to make that part of the next meeting agenda.
Click here to see the sample letter you may use NOW.
Don't forget to sign the petition and to share the flyer with County residents.